【香港唐樓】藍屋/ Blue House/ 手作水泥系列 Vol.2



一城不變 VOL.2-唐樓系列新作- 是次更著重細節的表達。從店舖結構陳設到露台通花裝飾都花費極長時間開發,務求將香港其中一幢歷史最悠久嘅唐樓喺掌心上面「活化」。 【關於藍屋】 1867年灣仔石水渠街,現「藍屋」位置,華陀醫院成立。 1920年代,鏡涵義學, 一中書院, 鮮魚商會出現。「藍屋」落成。 石水渠街72、72A、74、74A落成 (現為「藍屋」),為四幢四層高擁有寬闊露台、上居下鋪的住宅建築。五十年代黃飛鴻徒弟林世榮姪兒林祖在石水渠街72號地下開設武館,直至1960年,林祖的武館改為其兒子林鎮顯經營跌打醫館。「藍屋」於1978年業權轉交香港政府。 九十年代初,原先粗獷灰色的外牆被髹上油漆時,因物料庫只剩下水務署常用的藍色油漆,整座便髹成藍色。 「藍屋」名稱由此得來。 2000年藍屋被評為一級歷史建築 2017年,再獲聯合國頒發亞太區文化遺產保育保護獎最高榮譽的卓越大獎,是香港首次奪得同類獎項。 *預計發貨日期:11月1日起 --------------------------------------------- This time, we enforced even more on details. From the store structure to the flower decoration on the terrace, it took a long time to develop, in order to "revitalize" one of the oldest tenement buildings in Hong Kong in the palm of your hand. [About Blue House] Blue House refers to a 4-storey balcony-type tenement block located at 72-74A Stone Nullah Lane. It is one of the few remaining examples of tong lau of the balcony type in Hong Kong and is listed as a Grade I historic building. It was the original site of the first hospital 'Wah To Hospital' which was built in the 1870s; Demolished in 1920 and was built into four four-storey tenement blocks in 1922. In 1990 the outer walls were painted blue, thus earning it the name Blue House. All the upper floors of Blue House, apart from 72 Stone Nullah Lane, are timber structures. The two wooden stairs, with original elements intact, are well maintained. In 2000, the Blue House was rated as a Grade I historic building. In 2017, it was awarded the Excellence Award, the highest honor in the Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Conservation and Protection Awards, by the United Nations. It was the first time that Hong Kong had won such an award. *Estimated delivery date: From 1st Nov

Product Details

** Blue House (藍屋) -  1920 **



**規 格**

  • 材質:水泥 
  • 尺寸: 5(W) x 10(L) x 5.9(H) cm
  • 產品淨重量: 約 235g


**水 泥 特 性**

  • 水泥是一種動態材質,製作過程中微少的缺陷是無可避免的,同時亦令每件單品獨一無二。
  • 手工製作過程中,出現微細氣孔、斑點、水痕、划痕等都屬正常現象。 如果您是完美主義者,水泥可能不是您的選擇。
  • 一城不變的獨特性在於其對建築物的細節與標記。 故此,每件建築物之間的比例並非絕對正確。 我們的目的反而聚焦於視覺上的平衡。



  • The content includes: 
    Limited Edition Architecture Data Cards (by hkcorunerhouses) and handmade cement architecture (by mososisi)
  • Material: Cement
  • Dimensions: 5(W) x 5(L) x 6.7(H) cm
  • Net weight of product: Approx. 118g

Characteristics of Cement

  • Cement is a dynamic material, and minor imperfections during the production process are inevitable, making each piece unique.
  • During the handcrafting process, the presence of fine pores, spots, water marks, scratches, etc. are all normal phenomena. If you are a perfectionist, cement might not be your choice.
  • The unique aspect of our product lies in its attention to the architectural details and markings. Therefore, the proportions between each architectural element are not absolutely accurate. Instead, our focus is on visual balance.

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