【香港公共屋邨】 雙塔式 (井字型)大廈/ Twin Towers/ 手作水泥系列 Vol.3




雙塔式大廈(Twin Tower)是香港公共屋邨大廈的一種,由後來升任房屋司及政務司的廖本懷設計,並且經過數次改良。大廈高低兩塔相連,高座約24層高,低座約21層高。由於大廈設有兩個巨大天井,設計非常獨特,為著名公共房屋建築設計之一。 * 發貨日期:8月1號起 ------ Twin Tower is a type of public housing building in Hong Kong. It was designed by Donald Liao Poon-huai, who was later promoted to Secretary of Housing and Secretary for Home Affairs, and has been improved several times. The high and low towers of the building are connected. The high tower is about 24 stories high, and the low tower is about 21 stories high. Since the building has two huge patios, the design is very unique and it is one of the famous public housing architectural designs.


**【香港公共屋邨】 - 手作水泥系列 Vol.3 /  雙塔式 (井字型)大廈:**


**規 格**

  • 材質:水泥 
  • 尺寸: 5(W) x 10(L) x 5.6(H) cm
  • 產品淨重量: 約 200g

**水 泥 特 性**

  • 水泥是一種動態材質,製作過程中微少的缺陷是無可避免的,同時亦令每件單一成品獨一無二。
  • 手工製作過程中,出現微細氣孔、斑點、水痕、划痕等都屬正常現象。 如果您是完美主義者,水泥可能不是您的選擇。
  • 一城不變的獨特性在於其對建築物的細節與標記。 故此,每件建築物的之間的比例並非絕對正確。 我們的目的反而聚焦於視覺上的平衡。





  • Vol.3 Hong Kong Housing Estate/ Twin Towers
  • Material: Cement
  • Dimensions: 5(W) x 10(L) x 5.6(H) cm
  • Net weight of product: Approx. 200g

Characteristics of Cement

  • Cement is a dynamic material, and minor imperfections during the production process are inevitable, making each piece unique.
  • During the handcrafting process, the presence of fine pores, spots, water marks, scratches, etc. are all normal phenomena. If you are a perfectionist, cement might not be your choice.
  • The unique aspect of our product lies in its attention to the architectural details and markings. Therefore, the proportions between each architectural element are not absolutely accurate. Instead, our focus is on visual balance.
