【一城不變】香港大會堂2.0/ City Hall 2.0/ 手作水泥系列 Vol.1



香港大會堂於一九六二年落成啟用,坐落於中環愛丁堡廣場的臨海填海區。位於現址的香港大會堂由首任香港大學建築系系主任哥頓布朗及其團隊設計,英國建築師羅納德‧菲利普和艾倫‧菲奇完成興建。香港大會堂於2022年列為法定古蹟。 是次2024年重製版呈現出更多大會堂現代主義建築的細節,希望將此香港標誌性的建築更能活現眼前。 *預計發貨日期:10月15日起 --------------------------------------------- Opened in 1962, the Hong Kong City Hall is the first multi-purpose cultural complex ever built for the community of Hong Kong. It was declared a monument on 20 May 2022 and is protected under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance. The building complex subsequently erected at the present site based on the original design by Professor Gordon Brown, the first Head of Department of Architecture of Hong Kong University, together with his team including Patricia O'Reilly Mayne, was completed by British architects Ronald Phillips and Alan Fitch。 This 2024 remake presents more details of the modernist architecture of the City Hall, hoping to bring this iconic Hong Kong building to life. *Estimated delivery date: From October 15th

Maklumat produk

** Hong Kong City Hall (香港大會堂) - Allan Fitch & Ron Philip, 1962 **



**規 格**

  • 材質:水泥 
  • 尺寸: 5(W) x 5(L) x 6.7(H) cm
  • 產品淨重量: 約 118g


**水 泥 特 性**

  • 水泥是一種動態材質,製作過程中微少的缺陷是無可避免的,同時亦令每件單品獨一無二。
  • 手工製作過程中,出現微細氣孔、斑點、水痕、划痕等都屬正常現象。 如果您是完美主義者,水泥可能不是您的選擇。
  • 一城不變的獨特性在於其對建築物的細節與標記。 故此,每件建築物之間的比例並非絕對正確。 我們的目的反而聚焦於視覺上的平衡。



  • The content includes: 
    Limited Edition Architecture Data Cards (by hkcorunerhouses) and handmade cement architecture (by mososisi)
  • Material: Cement
  • Dimensions: 5(W) x 5(L) x 6.7(H) cm
  • Net weight of product: Approx. 118g

Characteristics of Cement

  • Cement is a dynamic material, and minor imperfections during the production process are inevitable, making each piece unique.
  • During the handcrafting process, the presence of fine pores, spots, water marks, scratches, etc. are all normal phenomena. If you are a perfectionist, cement might not be your choice.
  • The unique aspect of our product lies in its attention to the architectural details and markings. Therefore, the proportions between each architectural element are not absolutely accurate. Instead, our focus is on visual balance.

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