
【一城不變】郵政總局/ General Post Office/ 手作水泥系列 Vol.1



中環郵政總局建於1976年,是第四代郵政署總部,屬現代主義建築風格。大廈樓高五層,地下最低層可供郵政車輛停泊。清拆在即的郵政總局,亦被喻為最年輕的現代主義古蹟。 * 鑒於製作需時,訂單或需額外7-10個工作天發貨,敬請留意。 * 預計發貨日期:7月中 ----------------------------------- The General Post Office in Central was built in 1976. It is the fourth generation post office headquarters and is a modernist architectural style. The building is five stories high, with the lowest underground floor providing parking for postal vehicles. The General Post Office, which is about to be demolished, is also hailed as the youngest modernist monument. * Due to the production time required, orders may take an additional 7-10 business days to be deliver. Please kindly note this. * Expected delivery date: Mid of Jul


**第四代中環郵政總局 (General Post Office ) – K M Tseng 1976**



**規 格**

  • 內容包括:手作水泥建築 
  • 材質:水泥 
  • 尺寸: 5(W) x 14.8(L) x 4(H) cm
  • 產品淨重量: 約 155g


**水 泥 特 性**

  • 水泥是一種動態材質,製作過程中微少的缺陷是無可避免的,同時亦令每件單品獨一無二。
  • 手工製作過程中,出現微細氣孔、斑點、水痕、划痕等都屬正常現象。 如果您是完美主義者,水泥可能不是您的選擇。
  • 一城不變的獨特性在於其對建築物的細節與標記。 故此,每件建築物之間的比例並非絕對正確。 我們的目的反而聚焦於視覺上的平衡。



  • The content includes:  handmade cement architecture
  • Material: Cement
  • Dimensions: 5(W) x 5(L) x 4(H) cm
  • Net weight of product: Approx. 315g

Characteristics of Cement

  • Cement is a dynamic material, and minor imperfections during the production process are inevitable, making each piece unique.
  • During the handcrafting process, the presence of fine pores, spots, water marks, scratches, etc. are all normal phenomena. If you are a perfectionist, cement might not be your choice.
  • The unique aspect of our product lies in its attention to the architectural details and markings. Therefore, the proportions between each architectural element are not absolutely accurate. Instead, our focus is on visual balance.
